Implementasi Mutasi Dan Promosi Kerja Dalam Menumbuhkan Semangat Kerja Pegawai Di Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Langkat


  • Adila Rahmah 1STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia
  • Zaifaturridha
  • Ahmad Fuadi


Mutation, Promotion, Morale


This study aims to determine the effect of mutations and job promotions on employee morale at the Ministry of Religion of Langkat Regency. The research used a qualitative approach with a narrative method, which involved data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that 1) The implementation of mutations and promotions at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Langkat Regency has been running well and in accordance with government regulations. Mutations and promotions are considered an important strategy in optimising human resources, where mutations allow employees to develop skills and experience, while promotions provide an increase in position as a reward for performance. 2) Employee morale can be seen from good performance, adaptability, and effective communication between employees. 3) The implementation of mutations and promotions at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Langkat Regency has generally succeeded in improving employee morale by providing career development opportunities and rewards for achievement. However, challenges such as lack of transparency and resistance to change can hinder the effectiveness of this policy. Therefore, improved communication, transparency and reduced bureaucracy are essential to ensure that mutations and promotions can truly improve employee morale and performance in a fair and effective manner.


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